Chapter 34: Building a Factory


During July and August, many factory workers in Pucheng were laid off, especially the city food factory where the eldest brother-in-law Wu Li'an is located.

There are more and more stalls and hawkers doing business in Pucheng. Due to the impact of layoffs, even the sales of Xueli drinks have also declined.

In mid-August, the elder brother-in-law Wu Li'an made a special trip to chat with Wang Licheng.

"Licheng, what should I do with you after I've been laid off." The number of laid-off workers was so large this time that the workers in the factory were all startled.

"Brother-in-law, what's the current situation in your factory?" The real wave of layoffs broke out in 1996. At that time, people all over the country were laid off. There are still four years left.

"The factory has been losing money for all these years. Last year, a new batch of machines was introduced but the newly launched biscuits and candies could not be sold, and the factory was under great pressure."


The layoffs this time are all workers with low working experience. If someone else is laid off next time, it will be his turn.

"You do it first! Don't have any psychological burden." This time they have laid off so many people, and no one should be laid off for a while.

After Wu Li'an left, Wang Licheng has been thinking about the layoff of the factory workers. Is history ahead of schedule, or is history just like that.

He remembered that the wave of layoffs in 1996 was due to the implementation of the market economy after the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and all people doing business. Those state-owned planned economy factories had no orders to take, so they could only choose to go bankrupt and sell their factories.

It is not long after the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Wang Licheng feels that these factories may be the same as the knitting factories he used to work in. They have been going downhill in recent years. The introduction of the national policy this year has exposed the shortcomings in advance, and can only lay off staff to solve the temporary problems.

The layoffs not only affected the workers, but also the business in the store. Last year, most of the shop's money was made by the factory giving out holiday gifts to workers.

Several factory workers have been laid off during this period. A factory with laid-off workers is definitely a factory with poor performance. The factory is not very profitable, and it will give workers welfare and gifts?

Not only the factory gifts, the iron rice bowl of the past has become a job that can be laid off at any time. The workers are panicked, and they will shrink their clothes in order to make plans in the future. This situation will only happen when they find a new way out, let the pressure be alleviated.

Combining these reasons, Wang Licheng can foresee that the business in the store will only become more and more difficult, which is why Wang Licheng did not promise his brother-in-law.

A way out, the worker must find a way, and he must find a way.

A few days later, the eldest brother-in-law came to find Wang Licheng again; still talking about things in their factory and his worries about his future. Of the three sisters, only the eldest has two children, and the burden is the heaviest. He knows the difficulties of the eldest.

"Licheng, our factory seems to be dying. The new machine was introduced last year. Last time I heard from them that the factory would sell a batch." It's only been a year since we entered the factory, and the biscuits and candies made have not been sold. Haven't worked a few times, it's almost a brand new machine.

A new machine? Brother-in-law’s factory is a food factory. There should be a market for food. As long as it is delicious, he  is afraid that no one will buy it. However, the food business may not be easy to do in recent years. It has developed rapidly over the past few years.

"Brother-in-law, what kind of machine is your factory selling? Is it a canning machine?" They grow a lot of oranges in Pucheng, and the city's food factory also specializes in canned oranges. Last time my brother-in-law mentioned a new machine and new product to him, but he didn't care.

"The machine that makes canned food can't be sold. The factory makes money from canned food. It sells machines that make biscuits and candies." I don't know who said that they want to sell biscuits and candies. Batch-produced cookies are all expired. Some candies were sold during the Chinese New Year, but now the weather is hot and they can't be sold anymore. Some candies in the warehouse have already begun to melt.

"What is the price of the machines that produce biscuits and candies, they are almost new." There should be a market for biscuits and candies; at least there will be a market for canned food in the future. If the investment is not large, he can do it first, as long as he does not lose money, he will definitely make money when the country's economic situation is good.

"I don't know about this." He was a transporter, and he wouldn't tell their transport team about this kind of thing. He also heard about it.

"Brother-in-law, please help me find out the price. What is the price of a biscuit machine like a candy machine, and you can also bring me some biscuits and candies from your factory." It's just that the taste is not good, and you will know when you see the product and taste it.

"Licheng, do you want to buy a machine?"

"Well, if you have any idea, brother-in-law, please help me find out." This time, I have to do a detailed understanding first, so I can't be as impulsive as I went to the capital last time.

"Licheng, you know, biscuits and candies can't be sold at all." They can't sell anything produced by such a large factory, and his brother-in-law still wants to do it himself. Moreover, it takes a lot of money to buy a machine. If it can't be sold like their factory, his mother-in-law and Chunmei will not scold him to death.

"It's okay, I know, you can ask me first, and I'll tell you if you want to buy it or not." He has never understood this business. If he really wants to buy a machine, he will start a factory himself. There are still many issues involved. For unknown fields, he must be cautious.

While Wang Licheng was still pondering whether to open his own factory, Xiao Hongyan's vacation was over.

She has to teach third-grade Chinese when school starts again. She has been preparing lessons in the store these few days, and Wang Licheng has heard Xiao Hongyan reading the text several times in and out. This is the first time Wang Licheng has seen Xiao Hongyan preparing for a lesson.

In the past, Xiao Hongyan used to prepare lessons at school, and only prepared lessons at home before each school started.

They usually communicate in dialects. The dialects in Lanzhou are similar. Jincheng is not far from Pucheng, and the accents are even more similar. Therefore, after Wang Xi became Wang Licheng, there was no pressure to communicate, and no one found that Wang Licheng’s core was changed.

Wang Licheng had never heard Xiao Hongyan speak Mandarin. Today, when I listened to her reading the text, her accent was very heavy, and some of her words were not standard. She is a Chinese teacher, but other teachers can't even speak Mandarin.

Why! It seems that her wife is really not expected to be a teacher. He feels that Xiao Hongyan's language teaching is a bit misleading.

He felt that Chinese teachers in lower grades must have standard Mandarin. The first grade is the enlightenment period. Hanyu Pinyin is learned in the first grade. If the Mandarin is not well learned in the first grade, it will be difficult to correct it later.

For the sake of the students in Pucheng, he had the urge to persuade Xiao Hongyan to resign. Will Xiao Hongyan resign before there is the possibility of switching to politics? If she has been teaching, how can she have the opportunity to enter politics?

Of course, asking Xiao Hongyan to resign is an idea, one can only think about it. Even when he was laid off, he felt a lot of pressure. Two workers had to pay two workers without work. Thinking about it, it was a big headache.

This time, Wu Li'an led his son and daughter to sign up for the start of school. After signing up, he took the children to their grandmother's house. Today he is taking his brother-in-law to their food factory.

He has inquired about the price of the machine. Now it is 20,000 units, and he bought it last year.

Wang Licheng had already tasted the taste of biscuits and candies, and they were similar to those sold on the market, and the price was neither expensive nor cheap.

The money in his hand is enough to buy the machine, and he still wants to see the machine before making a decision.

Not only did he not know how to build a factory, he also didn't know how to make cookies and candy. Fortunately, he asked his brother-in-law to get the recipe for the cookies and candy in advance.

Wu Li'an was very contradictory. On the one hand, he was worried that his brother-in-law would lose money if he bought the machine himself. Just buying the machine would cost 40,000 Yuan. On the other hand, he hoped that his brother-in-law could really set up the factory, but he still wanted to follow his brother-in-law.

He also heard that the layoff was related to a meeting in the central government, where the state allows private factories to be built. In the future, more factories will be built, and the products from their factories will be more difficult to sell. He can see the laid-offs beckoning to him.

A few days ago, Hongmei and the others also laid off a group of workers, although not many, only a dozen or so, but this is a dangerous sign.

They went to the biscuit workshop first. There were only three machines and no workers. My brother-in-law said that the biscuit workshop had long ceased production.

No wonder food factories are in a hurry to sell machines. Such machines are prone to malfunction after a long time when they are not used. The more the machine is used, the more active it becomes, and the more it stops, the more rust it becomes.

It was the director of the office who brought them to see the machine. Wang Licheng wanted to know the working situation of the machine, but the director did not understand, so he called the team leader of the biscuit workshop.

Wang Licheng carefully inquired about the usage of the machine, as well as the process and precautions of each work.

The operation is relatively easy, the principle of the machine is not difficult, and the maintenance books of his technicians are not for nothing.

The master had never mentioned his major in college before, but this time he realized that the master studied mechanics.

A master like a master is overkill in a small factory in a small county. He understands the master's intention, but he can't agree with this approach, perhaps because he can't empathize with it, and can't understand the pain of the master!

The entire operation process of the machine seems to be no problem. He wants to build a factory and try it himself.

Wang Licheng told Wu Li'an what he thought. Although the machine is relatively new, it is second-hand, but the factory refused to let it go.

During the price negotiation, Wang Licheng instructed Wu Li'an to make good purchases from the food factory and figure out the purchase channels of raw materials. He wanted to make a small amount first and try it out.

The prerequisite for building a factory is to have a factory. Building factories in urban areas is almost impossible, even those state-owned factories are built on the outskirts of the city.

However, Pucheng is small, and even the suburbs are not very far away. It takes 10 to 20 minutes by bicycle at most.

He chose the address of the factory in Liu Wan, the natal home of his mother, Liu Fengzhen, behind his uncle's house. The eldest uncle's house is at the outermost part of Liuwan, closest to the road leading to the city.

He remembered that there was a wasteland behind his uncle's house. When he was a child, it was still a field, but it has been deserted for several years.

Several children of the uncle's family, his cousins ​​and sisters all work in the city. There are too many fields in the family to plant, and some of the land is planted for the people in Wanzi. That piece of wasteland is just behind the uncle's house.

Wang Licheng asked his mother to tell the eldest uncle that he meant to give the eldest uncle some money to count what he bought, but the eldest uncle did not agree.

In any case, there is land for building factories, and that piece of wasteland covers more than half a mu.

It cost more than 8,000 Yuan to build a factory, warehouse, water and electricity. The masons hired were all acquaintances in Wanzi, and the wages were much cheaper.

When the price of the machine was negotiated, the warehouse had not yet started construction, and the factory building had been built first.

The machine was transported into the bay, but Wang Licheng was stumped. The machine was big, the dirt road leading to the factory was small, and the big truck that transported the machine couldn't get in. In the end, he went to the uncle and called the boys in the bay to bring the machine to manpower. carried in.

In order to express gratitude, eating and drinking are the most practical.





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