Chapter 32: Laid off


After the 38th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the 14th National Congress was held. During these days, he would get up every morning and ride his bike to the Xinhua Bookstore to buy newspapers.

He knew that the 14th National Congress was still based on what his master had to say. He found that the master's political sense was very keen, and his views were relatively advanced.

In such an era of lack of information, and in such a small city, it is really impossible for ordinary people to know about national events so quickly.

He suspected that the master would buy and read newspapers every day.

Wang Licheng now has a newspaper every day, and it was also during this time that he developed the habit of reading newspapers every day.

Sure enough, the historical trajectory has not changed. The meeting proposed economic reforms. Starting in May this year, the market economy will be gradually implemented nationwide.

A month later, the list of the first batch of laid-off workers in the city's knitting factory was released, and it was not unusual for the master to have Wang Licheng in there.

The latest batch of laid-offs must be workers with poor performance and short working years.

Wang Licheng found the master in the dormitory, and the master had already started packing.    

"Master, what are you doing?"

"You should have seen the list. I've been laid off. Of course, I'm going to pack up and leave."    

"No master, how could you possibly be laid off?"

He knew his situation. He asked for leave many times last year, and the factory had long been dissatisfied with him, but the master was different. He was an old master and did not make any mistakes.    

"I proposed it on my own initiative. Licheng, the master wants to go home."    

The efficiency of this work in the factory was particularly high. On the third day, he and the master received the compensation for layoffs. Wang Licheng also wanted to invite the master to live in his house for a while. He wanted to talk to the master about some of his thoughts and listen to his opinions but the master insisted on returning to Tang Town immediately.

Tang Town is a small town in Pucheng, where the master was assigned back then.

It takes an hour to go to Tangzhen by car. After getting off the car, they walked for 20 minutes to a dilapidated house with a fence, surrounded by weeds.

The master insisted on leaving, but he couldn't stop him, so he could only send the master back.

The house was dilapidated and full of cobwebs. It took him and his master two hours to sort out one of the rooms. The living room and kitchen were only roughly cleaned.

An old man came in the afternoon, he stared at the master and questioned directly. "Why are you still coming back!"

"Dad, this is my home. I'll come back to accompany Huihui and the mother and daughter. I won't leave again."

This was the reason; why he come back.

When he went to the countryside to Tang Town, he was unaccustomed to the soil and water and often fell ill. Afterwards, his health recovered, and the village chief knew that he was a literate person and was weak, and asked him to teach at school.

He somehow met Huihui, the village chief's youngest daughter.

Huihui fell in love with this Baijing teacher, and often came over to listen to lectures under the pretext.

In the second year of Shifu's arrival in Tangzhen, the national college entrance examination was resumed. On the eve of the college entrance examination, he was ill with a high fever for a month because he stayed up all night to review continuously, and he missed the college entrance examination.

During his illness, Huihuiyi took care of him for a month.

His illness was healed, but Huihui's reputation was bad. The master went to the village chief's house to propose marriage to Huihui. At that time, he was just an educated youth who had nothing, so why should he marry Huihui?

The house under their feet is a new house built for them by the village chief.

In the second year of the resumption of the college entrance examination, the master successfully participated in the college entrance examination. He was admitted to Jinghua University in the capital with the first grade in Lanzhou.

In August, the master set foot on the train to the capital with the travel expenses raised for him by the village chief's family.

He didn't know that, as soon as he walked on the front foot, Huihui found out that she was pregnant. Huihui happily wrote him a letter to announce the good news, and the aunt next door told him every day in the village that the educated youth from the next village had left his wife and daughter after he was admitted to university.

Huihui did not believe it, and insisted on writing to the master, but the letter was lost in the sea, and there was no reply.

When Huihui was about nine months pregnant, she gave birth prematurely and died of dystocia. The letter she was thinking about never came. She gave up on her own during the delivery, and she died in the end.

After the master arrived at the school, he sent a letter to the village, and the return address was not his own address.

He had thought about not going back to Tang Town again, but he was afraid that Huihui would have a bad life in the village.

When the freshman semester started, he went to that address to get all his letters back. He was overjoyed when he opened the letter and learned that Huihui was pregnant. He immediately replied to the letter, and when he received the letter again, it was the news of one death and two lives.

The letter was a week late, just a week late.

He went back to Tang Town that summer and lived in their tiny house for two months.

After graduation, he went back to Tangzhen and cut off contact with his former home.

Now that he's back, he just wants to take good care of Huihui's mother and daughter.

"Licheng, go back! Treat your wife well and don't regret it in the future."

When Wang Licheng came out, the village chief was waiting for him on the road to the town. He asked about some of the masters and left with tears in his eyes.

He was waiting on the side of the road for the car back to the city. A man who claimed to be Brother Huihui came over and asked about his relationship with his master, then turned to leave. Wang Licheng took him to ask about the master, and he told Wang Licheng the story of the master and Huihui.

After the Lantern Festival, Wang Licheng and Luo Zhongyong kept in touch by phone. Yesterday, Luo Zhongyong called and said that Liang Lixue asked him to buy skin care products and send them to her.

This is good news, at least it shows that Liang Lixue has no objection to Luo Zhongyong and is not unwilling to have any contact.

He learned from Xiao Hongyan that Liang Lixue did not dress the same for a week, and he knew that Liang Lixue paid great attention to her appearance and loved to dress up. Beauty-loving women like clothes and skin care products the most, and make-up is not yet popular.

Wang Licheng asked him to send a few more latest fashion dresses to Liang Lixue together.

Let Luo Zhongyong slowly infiltrate Liang Lixue's life and be pervasive.

After being laid off, Wang Licheng stayed in Jiangcheng for half of the time, and he needed to find new business opportunities. The opportunity to make clothing has not yet come, and he must accumulate a certain amount of funds before that.

When Wang Licheng went to Jiangcheng every week, something happened to Chen Derong's house in their store.

Ma Hongying packed up and went to Chen Derong's house.

That day, Chen Derong was still helping Xiao Hongyan order goods in the store. When he returned home, he found that Ma Hongying was at his house and even lived in his room.

"Derong, I'm pregnant, you haven't been here for half a month, I'm afraid someone will find out if my belly is big..."

He was stunned when he heard the word pregnancy, how could it be, Xiao Hongyan was not pregnant, how could Ma Hongying be pregnant.

"Gouji, why are you still standing? You still don't help your daughter-in-law come over and sit down."

She was a little confused at first about this daughter-in-law who suddenly came to the door. The girl looked older than her son and looked so-so, but does things quickly, is a diligent person. For the sake of her grandson and her diligence, she quickly accepted Ma Hongying as a daughter-in-law.

"Mom, what nonsense are you talking about?" How could Mom say that Ma Hongying is his daughter-in-law? He just felt that it was a good day now.

"What nonsense, is it your son in Hongying's belly?" It was her daughter-in-law, and she would never allow her son to be abandoned.

"Yes, but..."

"No but you make some arrangements these days and the wine will be done first." The villagers had a lively meal together, and let them all get to know her daughter-in-law.

This matter was settled. The wedding day was scheduled for June 1st. Chen Derong didn't tell Wang Licheng and Mazi, only the people in their village knew that he was married.

At the end of June, Wang Licheng saw a piece of news about "Master Wang" investing in instant noodles to build a factory in a small section of the People's Daily. He jumped up excitedly.

If you can get the distribution right at this time, think about the market share of this brand in later generations.

Wang Licheng immediately called Luo Zhongyong, who was still in the capital. He decided to go to the capital to find Luo Zhongyong first, and then diverted to Yanjing.

He knows how capable he is when he wants to get the agency distribution rights in Lan Province, whether it is manpower or funds, he is too far behind.

He can't do it, someone else can do it. Luo Zhongyong has a powerful person in Jiangcheng. If you bring him to join the team, the chances of winning will be doubled.

That night, Wang Licheng told Xiao Hongyan that he was going to the capital and then to Yanjing.

"When will I go? I'll have a vacation in ten days. Can I go with you?" The school is about to end the summer vacation, and she wants to go with Wang Licheng.

Since Wang Licheng was laid off, he spends half of the week in Jiangcheng, and sometimes spends the night in Jiangcheng and does not come back.

In addition to going to work every day, she often sees the store to sort out the goods list when she goes home without others.

"What if we've all left the store? It's the peak sales season for Xeli Li, and I can rest assured if you look at me."

Wang Licheng asked his uncle Xiao Jianjun to find a relationship to buy a card and go to the capital on the evening of July 3rd by hard seat train ticket. Before leaving, he settled everything at home and spent two days with Xiao Hongyan.

After getting married, except for the period of marriage leave, there are many things every day after that. After being laid off, Wang Licheng lost an income. At the end of last year, the basic salary of Chen Derong and Mazi increased to 100 Yuan and did not drop this year. He was under increasing pressure.

He didn't know when Xiao Hongyan would start her career. On the one hand, he was worried that she would go too high and too far, and he would not be able to keep up with her pace. On the other hand, he is worried that his appearance will affect her career.

The only way out is to work hard to make money.

The two had a good time at night, and tomorrow Wang Licheng was leaving.

"Will I accompany you to Jiangcheng?" He was a train ticket for the evening. Wang Licheng would definitely not agree to watch him get on the train. It is always possible to accompany him to Jiangcheng!

"No, I don't worry about you coming back by car alone; I will come back as soon as possible."

How to do it as soon as possible, the eldest brother said that it would take more than 30 hours to go to the capital by train, and Wang Licheng had to go to Yanjing. It took several days to go back and forth by car, and I didn't say that I had something to do.

"Well, you pay attention to safety outside, don't worry about your home." What else can she say; is it unreasonable to make trouble and not let him go?

She felt that the family was doing fine this way, and the business in the store was stable, even if he was laid off. Why should you care about the opinions of outsiders?

Not long after they set up the wine shop, Wang Licheng was laid off. During this time, she always heard some gossip, laughing at her, and causing her man to lose his job just after getting married.

Dad also called her home and asked her to comfort Wang Licheng more. He also said that men need to save face. He might be in a bad mood during this time, so she should follow him more.

The outsiders said it as if the sky was falling, and the mother-in-law and Wang Li looked like they were all right. She couldn't tell if Wang Licheng was really in a bad mood.

In the past, gift orders from the factory were shipped directly from Jiangcheng to the factory. Wang Licheng's store looked livelier during the New Year's Eve. Usually, it was mostly wholesale. There were no crowds in the store and it was relatively deserted.

Outsiders may not know the profit of their store, thinking that if Wang Licheng loses his job and receives less salary; their family life will be much more difficult.

It happened that Wang Licheng's actions verified their ideas. After being laid off, I run outside all day, not running for life but doing something.

She also can't be humane to the outside world. Can you tell everyone that the store is very profitable, they live well, you think too much.

"Well, wait for me at home."





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