Chapter Ten: Together

Xiao Hongyan was in a bad mood during this time.

She saw Wang Licheng a month ago, and the last time she saw him was July 5, 1987.

Originally she thought that if she missed the chance, she missed it. When she saw him again the next day, she couldn't help chatting with his nephew Wu Ling, wanting to find out about his situation.

She is happy because he is not married.

I heard Wu Ling say that she has been staying at her grandmother's house recently, and her uncle will pick her up in the morning and in the evening. She deliberately created a chance encounter.

Only four days later, I heard that Wu Ling had returned home, and Wang Licheng never showed up again.

Did she miss it again? Wait for the next time, the next time she sees him...

Xiao Daxing knew that his daughter was unhappy recently, so he thought it was his daughter’s who came, so he stewed red dates and hen soup for his daughter today. My daughter only drank a bowl of soup in the evening and ate half a bowl of rice.

Xiao Hongyan is his youngest daughter, his favorite daughter.

It has been ten years since his daughter-in-law passed away. When she was young, she gave birth to a child early and hurt her body. Later, she gave birth to a few more children.

Xiao Dahang is the only super technician in their factory, and the salary is very good in Pucheng. When the daughter-in-law died, the eldest son was already 19 years old, so he could help him take care of his younger siblings. So their home life was not difficult.

The house where the eldest son got married was the house given by the factory when his daughter-in-law was still alive. They bought it with a little money back then.

The second daughter is married well, and he has nothing to worry about.

He bought the house where his third son got married with his savings.

The suite he lives in now is reserved for the youngest daughter, and he has also told the eldest and the third.

After the three children got married, the family was deserted a lot. It's not that he doesn't want to live with his sons. His daughter-in-law is gone, and her daughter-in-law lives under the same roof as her father-in-law for fear of being gossiped. Another point is that I am afraid that the relationship between the youngest daughter and the sister-in-law will not be good.

When the youngest daughter was born, his daughter-in-law had no milk. Xiao Daxing felt that the youngest daughter had suffered from childhood and was very kind to her.

The youngest daughter who grew up was very caring and became the little padded jacket of the whole family. She was smart, well-behaved and cute. When his daughter-in-law died, he was unable to eat and was lying on the bed, while the youngest daughter stood on the bench with food to feed him. Tears came out of him.

The whole family likes the youngest daughter, and no child says he is partial in being a father, because the youngest daughter is really caring. Every time her brothers and sisters made mistakes, she would run over and act like a spoiled child in her father's arms. The small wounds left by the injury of the elder brother and sister, the little person will blow and say that it does not hurt.

The youngest daughter had good grades since childhood, and she was among the top of the class in high school. Xiao Daxing thought that this time the family ancestral grave was smoking, and a college student was going to be born.

Unexpectedly, the youngest daughter did not pass the exam. Voluntary also did not fill out, and was not admitted. At that time, her brothers and sisters asked her to repeat the exam. She doesn't want to. She's just a daughter.

He never beat or scolded her, she failed the exam, and he didn't even say a single heavy word.

After the college entrance examination, the youngest daughter rested at home for a year, and was later arranged by the eldest daughter-in-law's father to enter the elementary school as a teacher.

Over the years, the youngest daughter has been abnormal three times, and he remembers it clearly.

For the first time, during the college entrance examination for the youngest daughter, he thought that the youngest daughter was under a lot of pressure.

The second time, in March 1990, she came back from outside and hid in her room and cried.

The third time, in May of this year, it is still a little abnormal.

Xiao Daxing usually likes the name of the youngest daughter, the youngest daughter. In fact, the youngest daughter is not too small. Xiao Hongyan is 69 years old, and she is 22 this year. There are few people in the county who are not married at this age.

Xiao Daxing didn't rush her, because he knew that it was not good for a woman to give birth to a child too early because of the health issues. But the recent situation of the youngest daughter made him wonder if the youngest daughter was dating or not.

"Young daughter, you've been sighing all day long. Have you been dating and didn't let Dad know."

"Where do you want to go, Dad? If I can't get married, will Dad support me for the rest of my life?

"I'll raise it in my next life. You really don't have a target?" His daughter is good-looking and has a good personality. She's also a school teacher, so why doesn't anyone like her?

"No, I'm the first one to tell Dad." I don't know if he has a good opinion of him.

After the June 1st, the sales of Xili Li have been increasing day by day, and it is impossible for the Gouzuo to deliver the goods alone. Gou Zuo said that he could call Mazi over and give him 50 Yuan a month. Chen Gou left a total of 130 Yuan in commissions and wages last month.

He had never gotten so much money, and he was used to a few cents when he robbed.

He gave 130 to his mother. In the previous two months' salary, he gave his mother 30 per month, and now he has more than 20 in his hand.

Both lunch and dinner are eaten in the store, and a set of fried dough sticks and pancakes costs two cents for breakfast.

Now I deliver goods every day, I want to sleep when I get home, and I can't talk without going out.

Their Chenjia Village is not far from the county, and it takes more than 20 minutes to reach the store by bicycle.

His bike was a broken bike he bought at a junk shop and he fixed it himself with a little bit of spare parts. It looked like patched clothes, and he didn't care, as long as he could ride.

Today, the elementary school commissary called to urge the goods, and they must be delivered before school. Chen Gou was not around, and Mazi delivered it for the first time today.

When I was about to leave, I was stopped by a teacher.

"Wait, you can't go, go to the office with me."

"Why? I have already delivered the goods, and you have ordered them just now. The money has been cleared."

"My student said that you robbed him of money a week ago. Is this the case?"

"Maybe there is such a thing, how much money, I will pay him back."

"It's not a question of money; don't you know that robbery is illegal?"

"I haven't read books, so I don't know."

"Okay, that one. Call your parents here." Mazi is younger than Gouzu, and is only 17 years old this year.

"My mother ran away with someone, my father is disabled, and I'm still waiting for me to make money to go back to support him." The first sentence he said was true, and the latter sentence he would rather be true.

"How did you talk like this kid?"

"Mr. Rao, what is this?" Xiao Hongyan went back to the office, passed by the canteen, saw Mr. Rao talking to a big boy, and went over to say hello.

"It's alright, have you prepared for tomorrow's class?" Teacher Rao had a rushing tone.

Teacher Rao is actually a good teacher. Although she didn't let Mazi go, she pulled him aside and didn't let others know their conversation, for fear of affecting the child.

"No, then I'll prepare lessons in the office first."

Before Mazi went to Brother Wang's place, Chen Gouzuo went to him and said something to him.

"Mazi, I introduced you to Brother Wang. Like me, I see the store for delivery, and it pays 50 Yuan a month."

"Thank you, brother." They quickly became good brothers because of similar experiences.

"Don't rush to thank me, Brother Wang is serious about opening a store. You have to restrain yourself and don't make trouble for Brother Wang."

"I know, I promise not to cause trouble." Yes, it's been half an hour.

He was afraid that Mazi would not be able to handle the first delivery, so he went to elementary school by bicycle.

At the entrance of the grocery store, I found Mazi who was still fighting.

"Mazi, have the goods been delivered yet, why haven't you gone back?" As he said, he gave Mazi a wink. I wanted to express what happened, but unfortunately Mazi didn't get it.

"Who are you from him?"

"It's his co-worker. We work in the same place."

Teacher Rao was very angry when he heard that Mazi had a job and did such a thing. "Why do you still do this kind of thing when you have a job?"

"What?" Chen Gouzuo asked, he still hadn't figured out the current situation.

"A robbery." Mazi explained to him at the right time.

"You robbed again?" Didn't he tell him not to cause trouble for Brother Wang?

"No, it was a week ago. I didn't go to robbery after I went to Brother Wang's place."

"Hello, I would like to know if you are the family of the robbed. We will pay you how much you robbed. He has changed his mind. Can you give him a chance and let him go." This kind of greeting was taught to him by Brother Wang, and he had to smile when speaking.

"You are really workmates, do you really have jobs? Who can prove it?"

No way, Chen Gouzuo called Brother Wang's factory and asked him to come to Teacher Rao's office to pick them up after work.

In Mr. Rao's office, he stood with Mazi and Mr. Rao sat, telling them the big truth all the time.

When Wang Licheng came, the teacher was still talking.

"Hello, teacher, I'm the boss of the two of them, what did they do wrong." Chen Gouyu had already said on the phone that the robbery before Mazi was discovered, and he wanted to know that the teacher left them instead of handing them over to the police. How to prepare for this.

"It's okay; you're here to bring them back! Knowing what's wrong can make a big difference. You can give them a chance at the right time."

"Thank you teacher for your teaching."

Both of them are sensible people. The teacher did not complain to Brother Wang, but interceded for them, knowing that the teacher was really good for them.

When the three of them came out of Teacher Rao's office, they happened to meet Xiao Hongyan who locked the door and got off work.

"Brother Licheng, I have something to tell you." To meet her again, she should make up her mind.

"GouZou ​, you go back first!" The three of them all rode over, and there was only his mother in the store, and they didn't know what was happening back there.

They came to an empty playground track.

"Mr. Xiao, what's the matter?" Wang Licheng felt that the atmosphere was a little weird, and deliberately called her teacher to adjust the atmosphere.

Xiao Hongyan was just holding back a breath of anger, but he was amused by him, and the anger dissipated, but she felt a lot more relaxed.

"Are you in a relationship?" The two walked slowly on the playground side by side, Xiao Hongyan looked around after saying that, but didn't look at Wang Licheng.

Wang Licheng looked at her red ears. After thinking for a few seconds, he spoke softly.


She said quickly and briskly. "Then we are good at dealing with someone."

This time Xiao Hongyan did not avoid Wang Licheng, but looked at him seriously and said, "Okay."

He thought a lot in these few seconds. Mom and sister never gave up the idea of ​​introducing him to someone.

In this era, if a girl can make a confession first, she should like Wang Licheng very much!

Whether she likes Wang Licheng or likes him, she just likes him. Being liked should be a blessing!

"Let's go! Didn't you get off work? I'll take you home."

Xiao Hongyan also rode a bicycle.

She wanted to spend more time with him, and he respected her opinion.

"Brother Licheng, I'll live in front of you, you go back!"

"Would you like me to pick you up for work tomorrow morning and pick you up from here."

"Tomorrow is my morning self-study, and I'll be there at 7:30."

"Then I'll be there at 7:00 tomorrow. I'll wait for you."


The youngest daughter ate a big bowl of rice tonight, and it was finally normal. It's just that this smile is too bright and a little strange.

She didn't expect Brother Licheng to agree to her so easily, and he was so gentle and considerate.

She was worried before that if the girl confessed first, Licheng would think that she was out of order. I didn't expect Brother Licheng to react like this. So happy, so excited.

Before the store closes at night Licheng told his mother.

"Mom, I'm not at home for breakfast recently."

"Then what do you eat?"

"If you buy it outside, I will go out early recently."

I said this to my mother first. After a long time, she will get used to him not having breakfast at home.

Besides, he still doesn't know how long they can talk, Xiao Hongyan is more likely to like the original body, when she finds out that he is not him, or not as good as she imagined, then she should leave!

Even if they only talked for one day, he would do his boyfriend's duty for one day.




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