Chapter Eight: Chinese New Year


Wang Licheng sold cigarettes for half a year and earned 50,000 in half a year, enough for him to stop selling. A few days ago, he called Uncle Lei and told him that he was no longer in the cigarette business, so that he could find another product.

When he was looking for a store half a year ago, there was a home that only sold but not rented. Wang Licheng bought it ruthlessly and spent 20,000 Yuan. He thought it was worth it, but it hurt his mother to death. Right now they don't know the value of the storefront. Fortunately, he told his mother that he bought it to open a non-staple food store.

There is a storefront of thirty or forty square meters in front, and there is a kitchen and a bathroom in the back.

The store he bought was built 5 years ago. At that time the side of the street was used as a living room, and the back could be used for cooking and taking a shower. He is very satisfied with the storefront.

There is a toilet downstairs, the stairs are not outside the house, and there are three rooms upstairs, which are larger than her house, and it is a house with a land certificate. The more he thought about it, the more worth it.

After he bought the store a few days ago, hes drew the drawings of the shelves, and asked the carpenter to make a few shelves. After the New Year, he would go to Jiangcheng to purchase the goods.

This time he wants to go the right way, and he can't use some crooked ways. He hadn't had a good night's sleep in the past six months. He can't sleep at night, he has nightmares when he fell asleep.

On the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, the eldest sister, the second sister, and the third sister brought his brother-in-laws and children to the house for a New Year's dinner.

They have been like this for years after my father left. I always felt that it was too deserted for only my mother and younger brother to have a New Year's Eve dinner.

Mom borrowed a large coal stove the day before. She used a charcoal-burning stove at home, and there was only one stove, so I can't be busy with cooking. He has the heart to help, but he doesn't know anything, he will only cause more and more trouble.

My sisters helped my mother cook, a few brothers-in-law chatted in the living room, and he went out to play with his three nephews.

On the first day of the New Year, Wang Licheng paid New Year's greetings to his uncles and uncles.

On the second day of the New Year, the sisters went back to their parents' house.

Wang Licheng gave red envelopes to his four nephews, and was told by his sisters that there is a saying here that you need to give red envelopes to start a family.

In the afternoon he took his three nephews to the park to play. In just one afternoon, he captured the hearts of his three nephews, and children surrounded him and called him uncle.

Didn't he just take them to play, to buy food and play? When they were going home after dinner, the eldest sister and the second sister's children were arguing not to go home, and wanted to sleep with their uncle.

On the third day of the New Year, he went to pay New Year's greetings to his master.

The master lives alone in a dormitory in the factory. It's New Year's Eve, and he’s still alone.

In the afternoon, he drank a little wine with the master, and after returning home, he fell asleep on the bed without washing up.

On the morning of the fourth day of the New Year, the sky began to snow. After a day and a night, the ground was completely white the next morning.

On the morning of the fifth day of the New Year, snow was shoveled for half a day.

He went to work on the seventh day of the New Year, and there was only one day left for spring break.

At noon on the seventh day of the New Year, he came out of the factory and went to the post and telecommunications office. After paying 3,000 Yuan to install the telephone, half of the 50,000 Yuan earned so far has been spent.

Wang Licheng asked his mother to go to the store on the eighth day. First, he still had some cigarettes to sell, and secondly, he could wait for the post and telecommunications office to install the phone.

After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, he went to Jiangcheng to fill the shelves with some non-staple food.

This time he also bought a gas stove, water heater, mixing valve and shower. The store is big enough, with a kitchen and toilet. Their mother and son decided to move to the store to live in the store so that the mother can watch the store.

There are a lot of varieties of goods this time, and he is afraid that he will not be able to see to it alone.

For the first time, he thought of Chen Gouzu, who he hadn't seen for half a year. You can find him to see the store, and he can also help with delivery. He listened to his friend Mazi about Chen Gou-zou's life.

One night when Chen Gouyi didn't come, Mazi came to chat with him. Mazi is a talker, he didn't ask anything, and Chen Gou's lifestory was shaken clean by him.

Chen Gou-left is a posthumous child, he didn't read much, and he spent all day in the village when he was young, doing nothing. When he was a little older, he ran around the county town all day, but he still didn't do serious business.

He hadn't read, he was young, and no factory wanted him. Later, he and Mazi came up with a quick way to get money.

He stopped and robbed the elementary school students on their way out of school, and threatened the elementary school students not to tell the adults; otherwise they would be beaten every time they saw him. If you are lucky, you can get a dollar or two a day.

That time Chen Gouzui didn't come because his mother was ill. Mazi said that Chen Gouzui kept half of the money he got, and the other half would be given to his mother.

Wang Licheng couldn't explain why he thought of Chen Gouzuo. Perhaps because he was his first friend, or because of his filial piety, he wanted to give him a hand. Would he still do road robberies if someone offered him a formal job?

He wants to try.

That night he went to the long-lost movie theater. To be honest, he has not been to the cinema for more than half a year.

"Gouzu, brother opened a non-staple food shop, and there are not enough staff. Would you like to come and help brother?"

Every time Chen Gouyu sees him, he always shouts from brother Wang. After a long time, he really puts himself as his brother.

"Yes, Brother Wang hasn't been here for a long time. Are you busy opening a store?"

"Well, I'm busy opening a store. When can you come over?" Before, selling cigarettes counted as opening a store.

"I've always had time." He's just an idler doing nothing. The little bastards that people call them.

The first time he saw Brother Wang, he thought that Brother Wang was a very powerful person. Not only does he look good, but he also plays the ball well. He likes to look at people with good looks and feels comfortable watching them. Now give him a job.

His unreliable friend Mazi told Brother Wang all about him. He thought that Brother Wang knew what he did, and Brother Wang didn't come so as  to avoid him.

"Okay, I'll come and take you to the store tomorrow. For the time being, 50 Yuan a month is not too little for a temporary job.”

He had always wanted to find a stable job, but no one wanted him, so he was forced to stop and rob.

"Do you know how to write?" Wang Licheng asked after thinking about it. His mother didn't know how to write. If Chen Gouzu didn't know either, it would be a little troublesome.

"I will write some, and I will look up the dictionary." The dictionary was taught to him by his former school teacher. After he was suspended from school that year, he still went to school every day. Every time I secretly hide outside the door to eavesdrop. Later he was found out by the teacher, he would take Chen Gouyu home at night and teach him to use the dictionary.

The teacher did not want to see him again after teaching him.

The words he can recognize and write now are all learned from the dictionary.

The first thing he did after making money was to buy a Xinhua dictionary.

"That's good; you and my mother can look at the store. My mother doesn't know how to read. If you know her, you can teach her to recognize the goods."

This time, he also entered some items that were not sold in Pucheng. And this time, the categories of things imported are a bit complicated.

The next day, Wang Licheng went directly to the billiards court after get off work. Take Chen Gouyu to the store together.

After eating, he taught Chen Gou what leftovers should be put together.

He took out the receipt and wrote the price tag himself.

A good memory is not as good as a bad writing. When he bought the goods, not only did the store owner write the purchase receipts with him, but when he came back, he would copy the purchase receipts again, and then indicate the purchase unit price and retail price at the back.

At present, he only does retail first, and looks at the sales of various commodities. And there is no good supply channel for now.

Originally, I didn't want to do wholesale, but I didn't expect that people would always come to ask. Chen Gouzu is very good at doing business. When someone wants to buy more than one piece, he will help others to remove the fraction.

Only half a month later, Wang Licheng went to Jiangcheng again. He will contact the car first when purchasing goods, and charter a car directly from the wholesale market back to Pucheng.

This time he went further and went to see some cheap toys. When he came out of the toy area, he encountered an advertisement on the wall. Xueli is recruiting county-level distributors.

Xue Lili and Jianlibao gave him the same feeling; both are drinks with a strong sense of age. If he really wants to sell, he will give it a try. He is worried that there is no steady supply, so he will come later. Since it's only spring, and the drinks won't sell well until summer. In any case, take down the dealer first.

The impression that Xue Lili gave him was quite formal. After he indicated his intention to be a dealer, they asked a series of questions, including his advantages as a dealer.

Asking these is not enough, we have to wait for them to go to Pucheng for inspection.

Xue Lili's dealership took a full month to get it. It's already the end of April, and it's just the right time to start preparing drinks.

In the past, the best drink sold in Pucheng was soda in a glass bottle. He drank it once last summer.

But the price is not the same, soda is only 20 cents a bottle, and Xue Lili is 50 cents.

Today, Wang Licheng just got home from get off work when his mother received a call from his eldest sister and asked her to help pick up her eldest daughter, Wu Ling.

Her mother-in-law fell and went to the hospital, and the whole family was in the hospital and no one was there to pick up her daughter.

Her son was in kindergarten in his father's factory. After he received a call from his mother that he fell into the hospital, he picked up his son and rushed to the hospital immediately. Only my daughter, who is in elementary school, was not picked up.

Wu Ling from Class 2, Grade 1, and no one came to pick her up at 5:30.

There are only three classes in the first grade of the experimental primary school, and they are all together.

In order to facilitate parents to pick up and drop off, the first grade classrooms are also closest to the school gate.

The last class of today's second class was a free activity class. The deputy head teacher, Chinese teacher Xiao Hongyan, came over to maintain order. After school, she waited for her classmates to leave, and she closed the door before she got off work.

Wu Ling from their class was the first group of students who rushed out of the classroom. When Xiao Hongyan was about to lock the door, she returned to the classroom.

"Wu Ling, didn't your mother come to pick you up?" Usually Wu Ling’s mpther came to pick up her mother, Xiao Hongyan had seen it many times.

"No, I waited at the door for a long time. Mom didn't come, and Dad didn't come either."

"Then you can read a book in the classroom for a while, and the teacher will accompany you to wait for mom."

Wang Licheng hurriedly hurried. He went straight to the school and found his eldest niece's classroom.

"Lingling, uncle is here to pick you up."

"Uncle." Wu Ling rushed to Wang Licheng, and Wang Licheng picked her up.

"Hello, teacher, I'm Wu Ling's uncle. Her mother is unavailable, so she let me pick her up."

"Brother Licheng, don't you know me?" She didn't expect to see Wang Licheng again.

"Xiao Hongyan."

Brother Licheng still remembered her.

"You are Xiao Jiandang's sister. Of course I remember that your brother protected you back then. If anyone dared to look at you more, your brother would rush up and beat that guy directly."

Wang Licheng and Xiao Jiandang were classmates, and they had a good relationship when they were studying. Less contact after work.

"Brother Licheng just likes to make fun of me." His face was hot, and he must have turned red. What should I do?

He wasn't joking, and it was a coincidence. A few days ago, he had a dream that the boy in the next class of Wang Licheng said that he liked Xiao Hongyan. Xiao Jiandang didn't say anything after knowing it, so he rushed up and beat him up.

After that time, it seemed that no one dared to joke about Xiao Hongyan again.

"No, I'll take Lingling back first. My mother will worry about it later."

"Well, goodbye Licheng brother."

"Lingling says goodbye to the teacher."


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